Note for members with an HSA
Health savings accounts are quite different than most other benefits—they never expire! For that reason, an HSA overview will look slightly different than what's presented in this article.
How to confirm your available funds
Select the appropriate benefit.
Review the Benefit Details side panel.
Spending progress
The Spending Progress bar demonstrates how much funds you have spent and your remaining funds. It also showcases the remaining days to spend the remaining funds.
Plan details
Under Plan Details, you can find unique details about your benefit program. Here are some examples of what you might see.
Carryover. This unused amount can be rolled over to the next year's plan. (If you don't use this amount, these funds will "carry over" to the following plan year.)
Grace Period. This optional period extends the plan year-end date to give additional time to incur expenses.
Run-out Period. This is an optional feature that gives more time to file claims for reimbursement. The transaction or service date still needs to fall within the plan year, but this period allows members to submit additional claims.
Use-it or lose-it amount. This amount of funds will expire if not used by the expiration date. You must "use it" or "lose it."