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Make a catch-up contribution after the benefit enrollment start date
Make a catch-up contribution after the benefit enrollment start date

Here's how to manually contribute to initial funding after the enrollment start date has passed.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

After the benefit enrollment start date, you can’t edit a member’s original initial funding amounts. You also can’t move recurring contribution dates as these are set on the program level. But you can schedule a manual contribution to fund their accounts before the next recurring contribution date—here’s how!

How to make a catch-up contribution

Note for Partner Administrators

Select the desired organization from the Organizations tab before following the steps below.

  1. Select the Contributions tab.

  2. Select Create New Contribution

  3. Select the Manual contribution type.

  4. Select the date to make funds available to member(s).

  5. Select Create Contributions.

  6. Upload the Contributions spreadsheet with appropriate information.

  7. Select Schedule Contributions.

  8. Select Close.

Review Initial Funding

The Total Initial Funding column on the benefit dashboard provides each program member’s starting balance. To review initial employee and employer funding amounts, select the Overflow Menu for the desired member, and then select View Contributions.

A note on manual contributions

Manual contributions won’t show up as initial funding under the benefit, but once processed, the amount will be recorded under the member’s benefit account as funds available to spend.

Updating automated, scheduled, and in-progress contributions

If you're reading this article for updating amounts after the enrollment start date, it's likely too late for you to update an automated contribution batch, but here are some helpful reminders.

Timeline for automated contribution updates

Automated contribution amounts are updated and applied to the next contribution batch. The last date to update amounts for upcoming contributions is five (5) days before the pay date at 9:00 PM Central Time.

Updating in-progress contributions

You cannot update or cancel a contribution batch that is already in progress. Contact Support if you have any additional questions.

Updating scheduled contributions

If you need to update the contribution amounts for an existing automated contribution, you must cancel the contribution and manually schedule a new one.

Tip for updating scheduled contributions

Download the CSV for the scheduled contribution batch. Make your desired updates. After making your desired updates to the Contributions spreadsheet:

  • Cancel the scheduled contribution batch

  • Schedule a new contribution batch with the updated CSV.

  • Remember to update the recurring contribution amounts within the platform for future automated contribution batches!

Related articles on updating contribution amounts

Are you unsure if this is the right article for you? Here's a list of related articles on updating contribution amounts.

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