Upload contributions manually

Step-by-step instructions on how to manually upload a contribution.

Updated over a week ago

Note: If you would like to use Contribution Assistant, turn it on from your settings before uploading a contribution manually.

  1. After signing into your account, select Contributions in the left-hand menu.

  2. On the right-hand side of your screen, select the Plus (+) button next to the Upcoming Contribution header.

  3. For one-time contributions, you can choose to manually select employees already under your employee list or upload a spreadsheet. Continue below and select option A or B for next steps.

A: Manually select from your employee list

  1. Type the first and last names of your chosen employees in the search bar or by scrolling through your employee list. After selecting the appropriate employee(s), select Add Selected to continue.

2. Next, enter the Company Contribution and Employee Contribution in their respective fields. When finished, select Done.

3. You will then be prompted to select the Contribution Type, Pay Period range, and Debit Date. The Debit Date is when the funds will be pulled from your bank account.

4. After filling out this information, select Done to upload the contributions.

B: Upload a spreadsheet

If you have a large number of employees to process a contribution for, you may want to upload a spreadsheet instead of choosing the manual process.

1. When you select Upload a spreadsheet. You'll be given the option to Download Spreadsheet Template.

Tip: To ensure formatting accuracy, we recommend downloading the template before uploading contributions.

2. The spreadsheet will ask for Last Name, First Name, Employer Contribution, Employee Contribution, and Date of Birth.

Please ensure that the name you are inputting is exactly as they were originally added to our system. For example, if Timothy was added as Tim to your employee list, you will want to make sure you have entered Tim under the First Name column.

Note: If two employees have the same first and last name, the Date of Birth is used as a way to differentiate.

3. After completing all needed fields, you'll need to upload the spreadsheet. You can do this by returning to the screen below and using the drag-and-drop method or selecting and uploading it from your computer.

4. After you select Upload, you'll be directed to a screen asking you to select the Contribution Type, Pay Period range, and Debit Date. The Debit Date is when the funds will be pulled from your bank account.

5. After filling out this information, select Confirm to upload the contributions.

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